Mental Health is an important facet of resident wellness. We hope to bring increased awareness to this subject through ALL NYC EM. New York has a wide array of resources available free of cost. As well we have listed the various resources available at our respective training programs.
'Make the Difference: Preventing Medical Trainee Suicide' by the Mayo Clinic
Reminders and Action Steps
Stop Physician Suicide - The Happy MD
Resources Available
New York City
Call 1-888-NYC-WELL is a free, confidential help line for New York City residents. You can call 24 hours per day/7 days a week. The staff of trained mental health professionals help callers find mental health and substance abuse services.
Find more information at
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
Find more information at
The Wellness Exchange at the NYU downtown campus is staffed by professional counselors, who can provide counseling support 24/7.
Call The Wellness Exchange at 1-212-443-9999
For more information, contact Dr. Lisa Goldfarb
The Mount Sinai Hospital
Emergency psychiatric services can be initiated by contacting the psychiatrist on-call through the page operator at 1-212-241-5581 or by calling the Psychiatric Emergency Service 1-212-241-5637.
Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Newcorn, 212-659-8775
Contact: Dr. Sarah Hodulik,
Dr. Evan Leibu,
Staten Island University Hospital
An on-site psychiatrist is available at all times at both our North and South divisions in the medical emergency room. Click here for more information
Contact Dr. Robert Schaer - SIUH Outpatient House Staff Mental Health Services, 1-718-226-8917 or
SUNY Stonybrook
CPO – Depression/Suicide Prevention and Outreach 1-631-632-CR4U
SUNY Downstate - Kings County
For small discussion groups with fellow house officers contact Dr. Stephen Goldfinger, (1-718-270-2023)
For The Employee Assistance program contact Lorraine Brooks, MPH, CEAP (718-270-1489)
For immediate access to Psychiatry faculty contact Dr. Jeremy Coplan (1-718-270-2023), or Dr. Stephen Goldfinger, (1-718-270-2023)
Also, watch out for your colleagues. If you are concerned about someone, please let your program director, GME Office (1-718-270-1984) or someone identified above know.
Additional contact Dr. Michael Garrett (1-718-270-8110)
Mount Sinai - Beth Israel
Contact Dr. Aaron Patterson (1-212-420-4566)
Mount Sinai West
Dr. Paul Rosenfield (1-212-636-1430)
St. Barnabas Hospital
Emergency mental health assistance is available 24/7 via the on-call psychiatrist, reachable via the hospital operator at (1-718-960-9000).
Access to the Employee Assistance Program is via Employee Health Services at (1-718-960-6538)
Also, the on-call chief resident, as well as Drs. Haughey, Dr. Leuchten, Dr. Curato, and Dr. Abbott are at your service in times of crisis.
Montefiore - Jacobi